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Technology companies are one of the primary driving forces in today’s economy. FGMK can help you be successful in leading the charge by meeting challenges ranging from funding new product ideas to structuring a tax-efficient founder exit strategy, and everything in between.
FGMK brings deep industry knowledge and proactive communication to provide value-added and practical solutions uniquely specific to technology companies in every growth stage.
We support technology companies through:
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL REPORTING CONSULTING. Our accounting professionals can work closely with your financial team to select appropriate revenue recognition, software development costs capitalization and other accounting policies, as well as assist in their efficient implementation so you can continue to focus on growing your business.
COMPENSATION CONSULTING. Attracting and retaining top talent while in the growth stage is a major challenge for technology companies. Our compensation professionals can work closely with you to assist in developing compensation and executive benefits programs that link your overall business goals and strategies.
INCOME TAX PLANNING AND CONSULTING. Our tax professionals are proactive in advising on taking advantage of credits and incentives available to technology companies, such as the research and development credit, the Foreign Derived Intangible Income incentive, and other credits for investment and job creation. As you get closer to an exit, we will develop a tax-efficient exit plan for your stakeholders.
SERVICE ORGANIZATION CONTROLS REPORTING. If your organization provides outsourced services of any type, there is a strong possibility that you will need a Service Organizational Control (SOC) report to assure your clients your organization is taking proper measures to protect their assets under your control. SOC reporting will allow your organization to differentiate itself in the marketplace and attract top customers.
FGMK is a leading professional services firm providing assurance, tax and advisory services to privately held businesses, global public companies, entrepreneurs, high-net-worth individuals, and not-for-profit organizations. FGMK is among the largest accounting firms in Chicago and one of the top ranked accounting firms in the United States.